March 19, 2011 21:29.Resting my eyes (365:078)

Resting my eyes (365:078)

Resting my eyes (365:078). Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.

At a service station in Eureka, Missouri, just off the I44.

While Ginger and the four kids (our three plus a friend) were making use of the facilities I decided to squeeze in a quick SP and a tiny bit of shut-eye.

The kids’ train to Chicago had been delayed until after five pm, meaning that after we’d dropped them off and driven the sixty odd miles back down the I44, we arrived at our planned destination, Berryman campground after dark. Finding the campground in the dark wasn’t all that easy either.

Not only was it dark, but it was raining heavily too. The first real test of our rain gear, and a challenge for me to remember how to put the tent up ‘fly first’, a cunning method which keeps the tent and contents dry. The rain gear worked great, and I mostly got the tent up fine; I say mostly because I made the mistake of staking it out before I’d put up the tent proper.

Once ensconced in the tent we shared a Subway ‘$5 Foot long’ before lights out and listening to the rain pitter-pattering on the tent before falling asleep.

For some reason I don’t have any pictures of my putting up the tent in the dark and rain. Our first night camping this trip and it’s throwing it down, not an auspicious start.

Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.


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