In the car

And finally… The roads had been plowed and were clear.

It’s a two-and-a-half-hour drive to Irish Wilderness from Springfield.

US 71 in Louisiana. Day Two. Hot Springs, Arkansas to Natchitoches, Louisiana. +1

Lanie’s been in Europe since December. It’s been my job to give her car a run out every now and then while she’s gone. One has to do these things in style 🙂 +1

Trip over, back at the trailhead, and a very modest 14 miles hiked with 962 ft. of elevation gain.

It is going to be a long day today. I left at nine and plan to be at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church by midday. Then we have four hours to get everything ready for the four pm Celebration of Absalom Jones service. After that, break everything down and drive three hours home.

Final trip of 2020 over — Not the most flattering of pictures. A quick summary of my hike out. One-minute read.

Recycling – It’s been a long time. We bribed one of the kids to do it earlier in the year; at that time, there was a huge amount because it included all the packaging for Ginger’s studio remodel.

On the road again – Today we had an Area Confirmation service at St. Andrew’s in Kansas City, which meant I spent over five hours in a rental car. 3 pictures

Gear shift lever on a manual transmission vehicle

Bit Of A Cock-up On The Car Rental Front – What’s that stuck in the middle of the console? Vacation Day 2 – Sleep, rent a vehicle, and go buy some essentials for our stay. One-minute read

Picture showing empty roads in the Ozarks

UK friends and family seeing this might begin to get an idea of why I don’t like driving in the UK. 100 miles of driving and this is about as busy as it gets. After all the upgrades I’ve had recently, this vehicle was about as basic as they get. It didn’t even have a cruise control.

A lucky shot just pointing the camera out of the window. As I drive to and from the Diocesan Office in Kansas City (three hours each way), one of the benefits is this view.

Shopping at Ikea We almost bought more than we could carry. It took a little bit of juggling to get everything in the van but we managed it. Just. 2 pictures

I thought I’d cleaned the mirror before taking this picture. Obviously not. Ginger’s not been feeling too well, so I let her sleep and picked up the big kids from school.

So this afternoon I got it fixed. The van’s a lot quieter now.

Trying to get out of the parking lot on the way home from the symphony (365:260)

Pumping gas (365:215) – And the price is slowly coming down again.

In-car thermometer reading 111 F.

Today the temperature in Joplin Missouri was 111°F (365:214) – That’s 44°C to my overseas chums.2 pictures

Phew! What a scorcher – >And other tabloid headlines. You need to be British and of a certain age to understand the relevance of the title; of a certain age because with British weather the opportunities to use headlines like this are few and very far between.

Waiting and Writing. Sitting waiting in the car is one of the few places and times I get a chance to stop and think. 2 pictures

Van Repairs (365:154) – A few days ago the van’s AC went on the blink again. This time it’s jammed on, which is better than it not working at all. It blows air even when the fan’s turned off. 2 pictures

Changing the headlamp (365:086). One-minute read

Resting my eyes (365:078) – At a service station in Eureka, Missouri, just off the I44. One-minute read

Price Cutter parking lot (365:068) – Today the van broke down.Two-minute read

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