Typical Ozarks recreational arrangements (365:365) – Today we sunbathed and went on a short exploratory hike. Yes, that’s right, sunbathed on the 31 December in the Northern hemisphere. Three-minute read, +8
365 Days – a project to take a self portrait every day for a year. The rules are simple. I must be visible in the picture, and I must take the picture. This is my second complete 365 days project. A remote shutter control really helps with taking self portraits. When I started my first 365 days in 2007 all I had was a 10 second timer. It’s surprising how fast you can get at getting into a shot!
I promised some pictures of the sparkles (when the sun finally came out again) When we reorganised our office area Ginger put lots of glass and crystal beads in the windows. However, there was a problem, getting sparkles like this all over my monitors required the installation of the ‘anti-sparkle screen’.