Final trip of 2020 over — Not the most flattering of pictures. A quick summary of my hike out. One-minute read.
Fuji FinePix F30
My Fujifilm Finepix F30 is the first digital camera I bought back in 2006. I still like the pictures it takes. It continues to work (2022), and every now and then I give it an outing.
December 29, 2020 9:36
Tales of stupidity — Camped overlooking ‘Twin Falls Hollow’ – This trip had been dogged by a series of stupid mistakes. My final mistake could easily have been fatal, but as is usually the case when I do something stupid, I was lucky and got away with it. Until possibly, one day I won’t. Five-minute read, +3
December 28, 2020 12:11
Gary at the Blair Ridge Trailhead – The hike from the Falls to the Blair Ridge Trailhead is supposed to be around three-and-a-half miles. I’d say it was nearer to three. It was a cold, dull, gray day, so no pictures. Anyway, it was just standard Ozarks ridge trail scenery. That’s my last unhiked trail in Hercules Glades completed. One-minute read, +3