Fuji FinePix F30

Photograph of a Fujifilm Finepix F30 digital camera with the lens extended (on).

My Fujifilm Finepix F30 is the first digital camera I bought back in 2006. I still like the pictures it takes. It continues to work (2022), and every now and then I give it an outing.

Final trip of 2020 over — Not the most flattering of pictures. A quick summary of my hike out. One-minute read.

Tales of stupidity — Camped overlooking ‘Twin Falls Hollow’ – This trip had been dogged by a series of stupid mistakes. My final mistake could easily have been fatal, but as is usually the case when I do something stupid, I was lucky and got away with it. Until possibly, one day I won’t. Five-minute read, +3

Gary at the Blair Ridge Trailhead – The hike from the Falls to the Blair Ridge Trailhead is supposed to be around three-and-a-half miles. I’d say it was nearer to three. It was a cold, dull, gray day, so no pictures. Anyway, it was just standard Ozarks ridge trail scenery. That’s my last unhiked trail in Hercules Glades completed. One-minute read, +3

Vertigo – Watch your step, it’s a fairly steep drop of around 100ft and a very narrow trail. I made sure I didn’t drop a hiking pole while taking a picture here.

Small Falls on Long Creek. +1

Meet the Flintstones – Looks like somewhere Fred, Wilma, and Pebbles might live. It’s another overhang campsite, but this one has more home comforts and a rock-edged path down to the creek where there is a wide pool. +2

Long Creek. Hercules Glades – Day Three – This is the spot nearest to my campsite and where I drew my water. What you can’t see in this picture are the frozen bits.

Overhang Campsite – When I camped here in May 2019 I ended up in the ER the next day.

Getting ready to break camp on Day Three.

Lower Pilot – from the Coy Bald Trail, Hercules Glades Wilderness. I started my day camped about three-quarters of a mile to the west (left) of the Lower Pilot. Taken with my 14-year-old Fuji Finepix digital camera. One-minute read

The Pilots – Seen from the Coy Bald Trail.

Looking up Long Creek (east). Hercules Glades – Day Two.

View out of Hercules Glades Wilderness to the north. +1

About to break camp – There are three things to note in this picture…

I get my day’s breakfast and trail food out first thing so I don’t forget to unpack it before I break camp and put everything in my backpack.

Ice in ‘Deep Hollow’ – Okay, so I managed to let one of my hiking poles fall into the hollow while taking the previous picture. Which meant I had to climb down and retrieve it. While I was there, I took this picture.

Ice falls – In ‘Deep Hollow.’ One-minute read, +2

A rather sluggish grasshopper.

Gurgling – it was interesting listening and watching the creek flowing under the ice. I stopped here to refill my water bottle. Hercules Glades – Day One.

Unexpected ice – there was a lot more ice on the trail than I expected. Hercules Glades – Day One. +1

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