January 16, 2011 13:15.Gary and Ginger at Compton Hollow (365:016)

Gary and Ginger at Compton Hollow (365:016)

Gary and Ginger at Compton Hollow by Gary Allman

Today we got off to a slow start.

Our slow start was probably because Lanie’s absence meant we didn’t need to get up early to get her to Church for choir.

Spurred on by the need to do something we decided to go out and hike somewhere new. Ginger picked Compton Hollow Conservation Area, about 20 miles East of Springfield. By the time we’d got there it was already past 3pm, and I was feeling justified in bringing along my headlamp ‘just in case’. As it turned out we finished our hike at half past five, with the light fading fast.

We managed to hike a large portion of the trails, about three and three-quarter miles. It was quite wet and muddy, with a couple of reasonable hills with descents and ascents or around 140′. This was our first hike of the year and we were both surprised how out of condition we’ve got in the two weeks since our last venture out into the wilds.

Today’s Out takes & extras

Taking a rest
Out take: Near the end of the hike with the light fading fast
View from Compton Hollow Conservation Area
View from Compton Hollow Conservation Area

Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.


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