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Batch-loaded, inverted down-draft gassifier wood stove (365:105)


I spent some more time in the workshop today.

First thing today we ran a load of errands, then I settled down to work on my Mark II wood stove for backpacking. I can’t wait to give it a try, though I’m busy for a few days so it’ll have to keep.

In the evening we went to the wedding rehearsal for Saturday’s wedding. I had to re-think my planned shots of the ceremony as Leslie (the bride), as is her right, has had the altar moved and a couple of huge candelabras brought in. She is also having all the groomsmen and bridesmaids arranged around her during the ceremony, which cut off all my pre-planned sight-lines. It didn’t take long to work out some new positions for the pictures, though the sodium lighting is still a problem, and will require that I convert most of the shots to black and white (I can’t use the flash during the ceremony). The (huge) 70mm-200mm F2.8 lens with stabilizer I’m picking up tomorrow is really going to make a difference over my F3.5-F5.6 kit lens which really can’t cope with these conditions. After the rehearsal, we were treated to dinner (thanks Tom & Rebbie!).

We have a busy weekend ahead for all of us. Saturday at the wedding Lanie is a flower girl, Alek is looking after the parking lot and Katie is a ‘greeter’; I’m taking pictures and Ginger is acting as photographer’s assistant. Once the wedding is over we have a barbecue at Tom and Rebbie’s to look forward to. Sunday is Palm Sunday, and the new bishop is making his first visit to Christ Episcopal Church. Lanie and Alek are taking part in the reading, and I’m supporting a friend who is being confirmed, which means I’ll be attending two services. I suspect Sunday afternoon and a nap will be very welcome when it comes around.   

Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.
