My new Fujifilm X-E3 camera arrived this afternoon.
Nikon D40X
EFM Retreat (365:127) – This week’s EFM class was held on a Saturday,so we got out of the classroom and spent the day in a cabin by the river. It was very nice to sit in the screened porch going through the lessons and exercises; a day of good company, conversation, discussions, food, and coffee. One-minute read
May 7, 2011 15:29
Tonight I was working on the design of my next backpacking wood burner. Today after posting a couple of pictures I sat down at my desk and got on with some (paid) work for a change. My efforts were put on hold while Ginger’s parents came visiting, and again for the afternoon school run. By dinner time I was finished for the day, apart from writing a fairly long e-mail discussing the work and setting up a call in the morning. After a bit of surfing I thought it’d be nice to draw up my new design for a backpacking
May 2, 2011 12:37
Saturday and Sunday Lanie made coloured Easter Eggs. I was going to take a picture of them yesterday, but that would have involved moving the van out of the garage which doubles as my workshop and a sort of studio when needed. It’s been raining almost non-stop for two days, we’ve had over five inches of rain and Ginger’s parents have had over ten inches. I was alerted to the backyard flooding by the sound of water pouring into the crawlspace under the house. By that time it was several inches deep, and while I did the school run Ginger
April 25, 2011 20:26
I managed around three hour’s sleep, which I guess isn’t too bad. I was up at seven fifteen and helping out with breakfast. Before the end of the lock-in we held a short service in the church, and left for home at ten am. Instead of getting a nap, we went shopping, I spent some time at the computer and we had a visit from Dash and Leslie. At seven pm Lanie and I were back at church for the Easter vigil. Either we didn’t do these back in my days as a choir boy, or the choir never attended,