I meant to make a to-do list today.
So I ended up doing all sorts of things that didn’t really need doing and missing out on things I should be doing. Oh well.
I’ve been promising to make Ginger, Katie, and Lanie some huaraches for a while. This afternoon, I gathered the stuff up and made them each a test pair to make sure the fit of the final shoes will be correct. In today’s picture, I’m cutting out one of the soles on my scroll saw. Using the scroll saw is probably a bit of over-engineering, but it’s the most suitable cutting tool I have.
While I was making huaraches Ginger took Katie for her driving exam, which she passed. So after dinner I took Katie down to the Mall parking lot where she drove around for half an hour before it got dark. We’ll be spending a couple more hours in the parking lot before I let her venture out on the road.
Ginger and I finished the day watching the movie Beyond the sea which we enjoyed even if it was a flop with the critics.
Today’s alternate shots & extras
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