Today we set up our latest tent in the backyard.
We’ve bought a Sierra Designs Lightning XT 1, one man tent so that we can take one of the kids backpacking with us. It also allows one of us to go solo backpacking if we want, and I have a trip planned, hopefully later this month.
Ginger and I set it up this morning before Ginger went off with fellow Flickrite Rebbie for a girls day out. Once they’d gone, I re-set the tent and managed to fix a few problems we’d encountered, though the top of the fly at the back was still a bit floppy. Having done that, I retrieved my pack, sleeping bag and pad from the shed, tried the tent out for size, and took today’s picture.
The rest of the day was disappointingly unproductive. I spent a lot of time with Internet searches to try and see if there was any solution to the tent’s floppy flysheet, and drew a blank. I then spent my time processing pictures and getting them ready to upload. Now I just need to finish that job and go to bed.
Today’s alternate shot
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