March 31, 2011 15:44.March 2011

March 2011

This month we helped out at the church pancake supper, the van broke down, I became a temporary Lutheran for Natalie’s baptism, had a beer with Tom and Rebbie, Breakfast with Jim and Carol, completed my annual accounts, we went hiking on four days and after sending the kids to Chicago, spent Spring break backpacking and camping. That brings our year to date totals to 8 days backpacking (36.5 miles), we’ve spent 9 nights under canvas and we’ve hiked 34 miles so far, a total of 70.5 miles.

Colour pictures made a comeback this month, though the trend towards the end of the month was once more black and white. I’ve got my feet up in three pictures, the van appears in four, Sprinky the cat in one, and my wonderful wife Ginger appears with me in seven. There are far too many hiking / backpacking pictures with long write-ups. I’m sure I’ll get over it before the end of this project.

Next month let’s hope for some more hiking/camping and backpacking pictures and maybe some kayaking and fishing pictures too.

1. Day hike – with creeks, 2. At the end of the day, 3. I’ve found another wall, 4. Breakfast at Aunt Martha’s Pancake House, 5. Late night browsing, 6. Doing the dishes, 7. Lunch at Busiek, 8. Pancake supper at Christ Episcopal Church, Springfield Missouri, 9. Price Cutter parking lot, 10. Gary crossing Woods Fork at Busiek, 11. New tent, 12. Drinking a beer at Tom & Rebbie’s, 13. Self Portrait at Natalie Anne’s Christening, 14. Annual Accounts, 15. Something Spicy at Mama Jean’s, 16. Petting Sprinky, 17. Gary checking the tyre pressure, 18. Final preparations, 19. Resting my eyes, 20. Gary and Ginger Backpacking on the Berryman Trail, 21. Gary and Ginger on the Ozark / Berryman Trail, 22. Waking up in the woods. Berryman Trail, Missouri, 23. Feet up, taking a break on the trail, 24. Gary and Ginger at the end of our Berryman Trail backpacking trip, 25. Trail shelter, Bluffs Trail, Meramec State Park, 26. Snow? What snow?, 27. Changing the headlamp, 28. Lunch break in the old barn on the Sac River Trail, 29. Tired, 30. That’s it for today, 31. Parallel Guide

Copyright © 2011 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.


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