Back at the beginning of the 21st century (I couldn’t help myself from saying that, it sounds so grand!), Jeremy Andrews, a former classmate, sent me a copy of an old official school photo. It was fairly low-res and in three parts. It’s been stuck in my hard drive(s) ever since. Today (April 11, 2021), spurred on by an email I recently received from another alumnus, I did a quick stitching job on the pictures. Unfortunately, neither Photoshop nor Lightroom’s auto stitch could merge the images, so I ended up doing so by hand. As the image is low res, and time is short, that was the extent of my repairs to the photograph.
I’ve studied the pictures many times over the years, and while I can identify a dozen or more people in it, I’ve never found myself, though I’m pretty sure I remember the day this photograph was taken, the date I’ve picked for this post is a guess, but I went for a Wednesday as that was sports day and the most likely time for it to be scheduled.