Coincidences - In one of life's little coincidences, last night while working on de-cluttering I chanced upon my father's (rather sparsely populated) sailing logbook.
Family History
They Built Their Own Yacht - Packed away in a box under the bed I found this newspaper cutting from 1960. It tells the story of how my father and a work colleague built their own yacht. I've also written about some of my early sailing experiences, in particular a couple of attempts at drowning myself. Five-minute read, 5 pictures
Hadham Hall School, October 1968 - Today (March 11, 2021), spurred on by an email I recently received from another 'old boy,' I did a quick stitching job on the pictures. Unfortunately, neither Photoshop nor Lightroom's auto stitch could merge the images, so I ended up doing so by hand. As the image is low res, and time is short, that was the extent of my repairs to the photograph.
A friend posted a mnemonic on Facebook for the sequence of the royal houses of England in chronological order. It reminded me of one my uncle taught me, which in turn reminded me of a couple I learned at school. Two-minute read, 2 pictures
Old cuttings of my father - I've had these pictures for years I thought it's about time I posted them. +1
Robert's 'Official' Christening Picture.
Denouement (365: 161) - This morning I told Elaine I wanted a divorce. One-minute read
Hadham Hall School - I've not visited my senior school since I left in July 1972. One-minute read, 13 pictures
Hormead Church of England Infant and Junior School - This was my school from age 4½ to 11. +4
Flickr meet (365: 217)
August 11, 2007, First Meeting - and just over a month after we realized we'd get married. Two-minute read, +1
Decree nisei - Today the decree nisei was issued. I didn’t receive a copy until the 12th. One-minute read
Decree absolute: Unknown to me at the time, but on this day my Decree absolute was declared.
Today I received the decree absolute. Four months after my first meeting with my solicitor. Now we can apply for my visa. All I need is the list of papers I need to take with me on my next visit.
k1 Visa - After a lot of debate, we are going to file for the K1 Visa. Essentially the immigration choices are ... Two-minute read
A special event – Gary and Ginger get engaged - Okay I admit it, this isn’t a special picture in the photographic sense, but it isn’t every day you get engaged.
Now we’re officially engaged, that puts the seal on things, and today we posted the huge pile of papers that makes up my visa application. With current processing times we’re looking at my having my embassy interview sometime in November.
Identity Crisis - My mother’s Christian name is a little different, being a combination of two fairly common names into something a little more unusual. When Ginger was staying I told her the story of my mother’s name, producing my birth certificate with a flourish as proof I had to eat my words when I saw her name wasn’t spelled the way I thought it should be. I had to make an excuse about the story behind her name obviously being a family myth... Two-minute read
Ginger and Gary's Wedding day - At four pm on 20 February 2009 we got married. Here are a small sample of the 800-odd photographs we have of the day. Album: 15-minute read, +64
One door opens as another closes (365:034) - I've just received news of a death in the family back in the UK, and This morning we went to the hospital to see the latest addition to our family, Natalie Anne, born yesterday evening to Betsy and Matt. Just as one life ends another has begun.
Spring Break 2013. Sam and Kat's wedding, St. Augustine, Florida. 190 pictures
New arrival - Meet my first grandchild. Born 19:59, April 13, 2014, and weighing 7lbs exactly.
Mike & Diffi's Steam Punk Wedding + 11
Late Night Cleaning and Polishing. I first cleaned these brass ornaments, belonging to my mother when I was 4-5 years old. Two-minute read, 3 pictures