Lizzi & Ginger Outside 78 Derngate.
A day out with friends of the family – Vacation Day 4 – Off to Dorset with Mick. I’ve known Mick and his parents since I was an infant, so that’s a long time. Leaving people behind is one of the hard things to live with when you emigrate. Which makes it all so much the better when we get a chance to meet up.
June 7, 2014 21:07
Beauty and the (out of focus) beast (365:106) – I had a self portrait planned for today. It involved putting the camera on the tripod, gathering the family, and taking a picture with Dash and Leslie. The plan was fine, the execution impossible, I was just too busy taking the wedding pictures to fit it in. I’m lucky I got one at all, as I took two shots and this is the fairly heavily edited best of the pair.
April 16, 2011 11:54
Hadham Hall School, October 1968 – Today (March 11, 2021), spurred on by an email I recently received from another ‘old boy,’ I did a quick stitching job on the pictures. Unfortunately, neither Photoshop nor Lightroom’s auto stitch could merge the images, so I ended up doing so by hand. As the image is low res, and time is short, that was the extent of my repairs to the photograph.