
Gary Allman checking his EFM Coursework

Ginger dropped me off early at church tonight. I used the extra time to sit in the classroom and go over my coursework.

Studying (365:313) – I’m now well into year two of my EfM course.

Studying again (365:258) – The second year of my EFM course starts tonight. 2 pictures

photograph of Gary Allman studying for EFM in the backyard

Studying in the back yard (365:137) – The yard needs to be mowed, we’ll have to get a kid on to it. I had a quiet day studying. It’s my final class for this academic year on Thursday. Lots of reading has been done, just the course notes to read and exercise to get out of the way and I’m finished.

EFM Retreat (365:127) – This week’s EFM class was held on a Saturday,so we got out of the classroom and spent the day in a cabin by the river. It was very nice to sit in the screened porch going through the lessons and exercises; a day of good company, conversation, discussions, food, and coffee. One-minute read

Studying with cats (365:126) – This week I did my studying on a Friday. One-minute read, 3 pictures

My once a week ‘Studying’ picture (365:097) – Thursday keeps on coming around every week.

Parallel Guide (365:090)

Thursday (365:055) – My day might have been simpler if I’d studied the right lesson in the first place.

Thursday studies by Gary Allman

Thursday studies (365:041) – School run this morning. Yay! -7°F (-22°C) Brrrrr! Tank of gas $52 Grrrrrr! 2 pictures

Lesson 17: Numbers by Gary Allman

Lesson 17: Numbers (365:26) – Wednesdays are kids taxiing days. One-minute read

Lesson 15 by Gary Allman

Lesson 15 (365:12) — Today the plan was to get my homework and some other things done.

Coursework by Gary Allman

Coursework (365:005) – I’ve two lots of coursework to do before tomorrow evening’s class.

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