I managed the two climbs quite quickly, seven minutes for the first and fifteen for the second. The trail was nowhere to be seen for most of the way on the three ridges I hiked along. A lot of bushwhacking was required.
When hiking without a clear trail, it would help if I used the compass I always carry (and know how to use). Doing so would save me some time and trouble. I also have a bad habit of getting a wild idea that I know where I’m going and before I know it, I’m quite aways off trail. It only happened a couple of times on this hike, but on the first occasion, I had to swallow my pride and backtrack a fair way. At least I realized I was off track and decided to check my location.
I arrived at my campsite at four-thirty. My trail notes said:
1630. Stopped for the day. The trail was non-existent on the last section. Decided to stop on the top of a hill, we’ll see how that works out. Cell service!
— Tired physically — the two hills and bushwhacking for miles took it out of me. Worth it though!
Future Gary says, if I had I thought about what I’d written, It might have dawned on me that there was a hint of potential problems to come. That said, I expected the trail from Bliss Spring to the trailhead to be in as good condition as the trail on Day One from the trailhead to Whites Creek. Yeah. Probably not…
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