Journal: Four days hiking the Berryman Trail, Missouri, December 2024. This will be my last backpacking trip of the year. 15-minute read, +42
Irish Wilderness
Journal: Four days hiking the Whites Creek Trail, Irish Wilderness. December 2024. There’s a break in the weather and even some rain in the forecast. I’m going to Irish Wilderness where I’ll hike the Whites Creek Trail counter-clockwise, and I’m going to take a leisurely four days to do it. 10-minute read, +35
December 15, 2024 15:00
Day Four — Misty, damp morning. I was planning on spending the night at Fiddler Spring, but there was a hunting camp set up there (no one was at home). I grabbed three liters of water from the much slower than usual spring and decided I’d head away from the hunters to this established primitive campsite around three quarters of a mile away.
December 15, 2024 8:37
Dry — Whites Creek was dry. The hike here was good, taking me and hour and fifteen minutes to get to Whites Creek. The rain had eased off, and I used a compass bearing to get me from where I’d camped overnight back to the trail. As is usual for this section of the Whites Creek Trail, I lost the trail often, +1
December 14, 2024 15:25
Dry — Whites Creek was dry. The hike here was good, taking me and hour and fifteen minutes to get to Whites Creek. The rain had eased off, and I used a compass bearing to get me from where I’d camped overnight back to the trail. As is usual for this section of the Whites Creek Trail, I lost the trail often, +1