My original plan for the weekend was to drive Jim and Carol home yesterday (Thursday) afternoon after Jim’s eye surgery and stay with them for the weekend. I had beers — okay, steady my miss-beating heart, a beer — some target practice, and some time on the deck in mind. Ginger was scheduled to come and get me Sunday afternoon after time with Katie, who is in town for the weekend.
That plan was scrapped when Jim and Carol showed up at around ten-thirty Thursday morning, declaring that there was no follow up required until Friday morning in Ava. We quickly devised Plan B. Ginger took them home just after lunch (I had meetings scheduled through to five).
I had a quiet Thursday night to myself and drove down to pick up Ginger Friday morning.
We were home by lunch time, leaving the question of what I was going to do with the rest of my Friday off and the weekend?
I decided to head down to Hercules Gades for a couple of nights. That suited Ginger. She was keen to usher me out of the door so that she and Katie could have some mom & daughter time without me cramping their style.
Day One
Checking the forecast apart from some rain Friday afternoon, and maybe overnight, it was clearing, and looked to be good hiking weather, not too hot during the day, and not too cold. at night. Standard summer kit with my merino wool shirt and some base layer pants in case it got cold.
Gary at the Pole Hollow trail Junction
So here I am at my obligatory photo op of the Pole Hollow Cairn. I decided I’d head down to my usual haunt at ‘Deep Hollow.’ That would give me a weekend hike of 12 miles. I was secretly harboring a plan on upping that to around 18 miles by adding in the Pees Hollow Trail on my way back. We’ll see how that goes, as that was my plan the last time I hiked The Glades back in February. Then I was late leaving ‘Deep Hollow,’ tired, and I stopped at ‘Twin Falls Hollow’ instead. The next day I hiked straight back to the trailhead, leaving out the extra five-and-a-half miles of the Pees Hollow Trail.
Note. The phone camera software completely screwed up the background. If I want to blur the background, I’ll do it myself using a proper lens and camera. Thank you very much.
Orange hat because it is still turkey hunting season.
Copyright © 2023 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.