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Day Two – Back at the Pole Hollow cairn

Back at the Pole Hollow cairn. Copyright © 2022 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.

Here I am, back at the Pole Hollow cairn in Hercules Glades, but this trip is a little bit different.

The difference is Ginger and I came out yesterday and spent last night camped at Ginger’s new favorite campsite. Today, I left Ginger back at camp and I’m off on a solo one-night trip staying at ‘Deep Hollow.’ I’ll be back tomorrow, meet Ginger at her campsite, and we’ll hike out together. This plan gives Ginger some R&R time in the woods, and I get to hike a few miles.

It’s hot today and there’s a bathing pool at ‘Deep Hollow’ that I’m looking forward to cooling off in when I get there. But that’s six miles away, so I’d better get on.
