Backpacking 05-06-2022

A two-night stay visit to Hercules Glades Wilderness. Ginger and I hiked in Friday night and camped at a nice spot Ginger found last year. Saturday I hiked the six or so miles to ‘Deep Hollow’ and spent the night there. Sunday I hiked back to Ginger’s camp, had some lunch, and then we headed back to the trailhead.

Day Three – Trail Buddies and the end of the trip – It had been a good night, but I woke up feeling very unsettled and a quick check of my pulse confirmed what I thought. I was in AFIB again. One-minute read, +1

Mini campfire – I left a full fuel bottle with Ginger, and while I had enough alcohol for dinner and breakfast, I decided to save fuel and get out my Nano Firebox.

Bath time — I’m looking pleased with myself. That’s probably because I have warmed up after my wilderness bath.

Bathing Pool in ‘Deep Hollow’ — It looks very inviting, but the water was cold!

Bathing Pool in ‘Deep Hollow.’

Inaccessible — Well, almost inaccessible. Looking downstream from the Bathing Pool in ‘Deep Hollow.’

Meanwhile, back at basecamp – While I’m off hiking Ginger’s enjoying her spot in the woods.

Day Two – Back at the Pole Hollow cairn – Here I am, back at the Pole Hollow cairn in Hercules Glades, but this trip is a little bit different.

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