This is not the trail you are looking for…
You would think (and I and apparently, many, many others have), that the trail goes straight on here. Not so. Look carefully and there’s the Whites Creek trail, two feet in front of the sign on the left going up the hill.
The (wrong) trail leads to a nice campsite with a view of the Eleven Point River and some old ruins, so I’m not going to complain about my navigational blunder. This was, however, the first indication that the trails on the southern loop of the White’s Creek Trail were going to be a little bit more challenging to follow.
The picture below shows the trail in the opposite direction with the spur trail to Bliss Spring on the left. The sign purports to mark the Irish Wilderness and Eleven Point Wild and Scenic River boundary – I think this is more of a virtual boundary, as according to the map, the real boundary is further east.
Copyright © 2021 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.