September 15, 2013 20:58.John and Kris Graduate from EfM

John and Kris Graduate from EfM

Fr. Jonathan shows off the EfM certificates

Apart from Lanie giving her stewardship talk, I was scheduled to usher at the 9 am service and I had a meeting between services at 10 am. I’m glad I had to be there for all three services as it meant I got to see my friends John and Kris receive their EfM certificates. Four years, all done.

Kris receives his EfM certificate
Kris receives his EfM certificate

The best bit was saved for last. Afterward in the parish hall Kris’ son Landon, after studying the certificate, asked Kris if he was now a priest? (no), “What then,” Landon asked, “can you do with it?” Kris replied by doing a most peculiar little dance. Classic parental response from a man after my own heart!

Which may leave you wondering what is the point of EfM? It’s in the title – Education for Ministry. It is preparation for service, however you happen to be called. For some it is the first step towards ordination, for others it is preparation for other leadership roles within the church. And many find it just a good solid grounding in the Christian faith.

Anyone who has been keeping a count will realize that it should be my turn to graduate next year. Well, that should be the case, but right now I’ve got too much voluntary work on top of my growing real work commitments to do year four of the course (theology) justice. So I’m taking a year off and I’ll start my final year in the Fall of 2014.

Copyright © 2013 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.


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