February 7, 2007 20:35.The Red Dress (365: 32)

The Red Dress (365: 32)

The Red Dress (365: 32). Copyright © 2007 Gary Allman, all rights reserved

For my final foray into the Copycat mini-challenge, this picture was going to be ‘The Red Shorts,’ but then I thought I’d go one better.

The original is stunning and a favorite of mine. So respect to Laura – and she’s a lot more supple than me too. Trying this pose could have ended up with me off work with a bad back for months. This picture could get me into more trouble than any of my other shots; I didn’t ask if I could borrow the dress!

14 Oct 2007: I really ought to re-name this shot ‘Albatross.’ It is one of my most viewed photographs, it has been ‘explored’ on Flickr, and it just won’t shift off the top of my ‘most popular photographs’ list.

Note on mini-challenges. Trying to come up with an original idea for a photograph each day is extremely difficult. So the people completing the 365 Days project, came up with ‘Mini-challenges’ – ideas for pictures. This one was to make a copy of someone’s picture. I like a challenge, especially for a laugh. This was one of my contributions to the Copycat mini-challenge. It’s a shame Laura’s picture is no longer available. It was so much better executed than mine.

Copyright © 2007 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.


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