Bell Mountain Wilderness

Journal: Two nights and a superb sunrise on the Bell Mountain Trail, February 2020 – Many years ago I read about hammock camping on Bell Mountain and the beautiful dawn vistas to be had looking out over Shut-in Creek. Ever since I read that article I’ve wanted to camp there and watch the dawn. Trip write-up: 12-minute read. 38 pictures.

Ozarks Horizon. Bell Mountain – Day Two.

Cooking a late lunch. Bell Mountain – Day One. Because of the rain, I decided not to make lunch on the trail and had a combined lunch and dinner after I’d set up camp.

The view from my hammock – There are dozens of fire rings here, but I had the mountain top to myself.

Tarp up in case it rains (again). Bell Mountain – Day One.

Bell Mountain. View to the east. Bell Mountain – Day One.

Bell Mountain. View to the northeast – Bell Mountain – Day One.

Mr. Grumpy Goes Hiking – there was a picture of me smiling, but for some reason it was out of focus. Here I am at the top of Bell Mountain (it’s a big hill really) with the view to the east across Shut-in Creek, 500ft below me. Bell Mountain – Day One.

Sun on hail – when the sun came out it lit up the hail and the water droplets in the trees. Bell Mountain – Day One.

Hail storm on the trail – I was expecting rain, but not hail. That’s the second time my rain gear has been tested recently. Bell Mountain – Day One.

Starting out on the Bell Mountain Trail – This wasn’t my first hike of the Bell Mountain Trail. We backpacked here during Spring Break 2012, again staying two nights. Then we’d gone around the loop counter-clockwise. This time I’d be going the opposite way around. 3 pictures

Bell Mountain North Trailhead Parking Lot. Bell Mountain – Day One. 3 pictures

Journal: two nights at Bell Mountain Wilderness, March 2012 – Eager to find a new sort of ground to cover, we turned our attention to the St. Francois Mountain area, and Bell Mountain in particular for our Spring Break trip. Post by Ginger. Five-minute read, +22

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