
Norfork Lookout Point. Overlooking the North Fork River, Arkansas.

Norfork Lookout Point. Overlooking the North Fork River, Arkansas

Norfork Lookout Point. Overlooking the North Fork River, Arkansas.

Norfork Dam, Arkansas. Dam number two in our Double Dam Day. It is not a very photogenic dam, and rather uninspiring. To its credit there is a campground downstream, which seems to be popular with the fishing fraternity. +1

White River at Allison, Arkansas.

Bridge over Sylamore Creek, Allison, Arkansas.

Greers Ferry Dam on the Little Red River, Arkansas, and a change of plan.

Scenic Overlook on Highway 43 near Ponca, Arkansas. One-minute read, +1

Near Gaither Mountain Overlook, Arkansas — The first major scenic overlook of our trip. This is a 180° Panorama, so the image is a bit distorted horizontally. +1

Near Gaither Mountain Overlook, Arkansas — The first major scenic overlook of our trip, and well worth the stop. Video: 24 Seconds

On the road again (Day One) — Near Gaither Mountain Overlook (Arkansas) — The first major scenic overlook of our trip. Two-minute read, +2

Joy, shunned – Once again, photographically, ‘Sappho’ and ‘The Bubble’ stole the show. Five-minute read, 3 pictures

Crystal Bridges’ Art. I took pictures of some of the pieces when we were here last year. Here are some others that caught my eye this time. 5 pictures

Crystal Bridges Architecture 6 pictures

Bachman-Wilson House (Frank Lloyd Wright). 2 pictures

Old Self: Portrait of the Artist as He Will (Not) Be. Variation #2. Artist: Evan Penny. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

Old Self: Portrait of the Artist as He Will (Not) Be. Variation #2. Artist: Evan Penny. Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 3 pictures

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Museum Architecture (color) 4 pictures

Black and White photograph. Architecture - Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Museum Architecture (black and white) – I had not done any research prior to visiting Crystal Bridges – I was completely blown away by the architecture. 6 pictures

Photographs of the Dale Chihuly Exhibition at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 17 pictures

Black and white photograph of the Crystal Bridges Restaurant - 'Eleven'

We chose to visit on a record breaking day for the museum. I think that helped with these pictures taken in the restaurant. +8

Wall Drawing #880: Loopy Doopy (orange and green) Artist: Sol LeWitt (1928 - 2007). Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

Wall Drawing #880: Loopy Doopy – Yes, the colors really are that bright. Artist: Sol LeWitt (1928 – 2007). Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. 4 pictures

Twentieth Century Art Gallery at Crystal Bridges

Unfortunately, this gallery was closed. It made up for it by making a great picture though. Crystal Bridges Art Museum, Arkansas.

Black and White picture of the sculpture - The Bubble. Artist: Harriet Whitney Frishmuth (1880 - 1980). Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

The Bubble. Artist: Harriet Whitney Frishmuth (1880 – 1980). Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. +2

Black and White Photograph of the sculpture Sappho by William Wetmore Story (1819 - 1895). Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.

Working in the dark provides its challenges and rewards. I came to Crystal Bridges hoping to be inspired, I was. One-minute read, +4

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