Night, night, Tubby – Today we helped Tubby cross over the ‘Rainbow Bridge.’ It’s amazing how these little furry people manage to worm their way into our hearts. Even irritating ones like the Tubbmiester. Tubbs was the last man standing of our four cats and managed to see in eighteen years. One-minute read, 3 pictures
Tubby, aka Rotters, Rot-Row, Tub-meister, pokey paws, and irritant. Somehow despite all the odds, he became the last man standing of our four cats. It’s very surprising as he has high blood pressure, for which he takes pills; he has asthma, for which he has an inhaler twice daily; plus he’s blind and pretty much deaf.
Cats Watching TV – We’ve created a monster. Tubby now thinks any rectangular object is fair game to stare at. Picture frames for example. He also sits next to our monitors waiting for something to move. Worse he sits right in the middle of the screen while we are watching movies and shows on Netflix.