
Tubby, aka Rotters, Rot-Row, Tub-meister, pokey paws, and irritant. Somehow despite all the odds, he became the last man standing of our four cats. It’s very surprising as he has high blood pressure, for which he takes pills; he has asthma, for which he has an inhaler twice daily; plus he’s blind and pretty much deaf.

Night, night, Tubby – Today we helped Tubby cross over the ‘Rainbow Bridge.’ It’s amazing how these little furry people manage to worm their way into our hearts. Even irritating ones like the Tubbmiester. Tubbs was the last man standing of our four cats and managed to see in eighteen years. One-minute read, 3 pictures

Tubby, chilling in the ‘Sparkle Zone’ 3 pictures

Sleeping Rainbow Tubby – At seventeen Tubby’s definitely getting ready to cross that ol’ Rainbow Bridge, but his tenacity continually surprises us. 2 pictures

It’s tough being Tubby — We have a new nickname for him — Roomba. Poor blind Tubby earned it by the way he navigates around the house. He’ll walk off in a random direction until he hits a wall and then head off in some other random direction. One-minute read

Meanwhile, here are some kitties – Life got busy, and things like processing and posting pictures have had to take a back seat. So, in the meantime here are some cuuute kitties. 3 pictures

Tri-puss – It’s an uncommon configuration, and for Blue Kitty to let Tubby touch her is almost unheard of. And it’s a cute picture too.

It’s all in the eyes – Tubby has always had problems with his eyes, it’s a birth defect.

This Wasn’t Part Of The Plan – When I cleared my office and changed the couch I did not anticipate the increased attention my office would get from the feline members of the family. 5 pictures

Mao & Tubbs. I had been getting a refill of coffee from the kitchen when I walked by these two looking particularly cute.

This cat configuration is what we call a ‘Tri-Puss’.

Photograph of a sleeping burmese cat

Our poor little tropical Burmese likes to find somewhere warm to sleep. Also in this post … I’ve been busy …

Sleeping Maine Coon cats

My Two Office Fur Balls — They’ve left just enough room for me to sit between them.

Too Many Cat Pictures – The trouble is the cats are a constant source of amusement – so you cannot ignore them, or their strange foibles (and furballs). 5 pictures

Ginger lent Tubby her phone and Tubby wore himself out trying to watch bird videos. It’s tough being a half blind, half deaf cat.

Burmese cat sleeping

With single digit temps outside Tubby is quite content to snooze away the afternoon in the warm.

Tonight Getzger invited a friend to watch dinner 4 pictures

Tubby Back-lit – Tubby (a.k.a. Rotters) was sitting on the end of the bed and I rather liked the back lighting. I thought I’d try a grab a picture. 2 pictures

At my desk this morning – If I could just train Tubby to do my Facebook posting for me.

Cat Food – Apparently our dinner plans for tonight have changed.

Tubby the Telly Watching Burmese cat sits watching birds on TV

Tubby was very enamored with this bird video a friend posted to Facebook. He also took quite a shine to a video of the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church – Bishop Michael Curry. Who knew? Unlike Getzger Tubby has never been to the blessing of the animals.

Photograph of three cats sitting on a desk.

The Perils of a Home Office – Sometimes it gets a little busy at my desk. It is also difficult to keep one’s desk tidy when there is someone sleeping on the papers most of the time.

Ever since Tubby was introduced to cat videos on YouTube he has become obsessed with screens and anything vaguely screen shaped. This is not always conducive to my work. He sits on my desk for ages staring at the screen following the mouse pointer.

Cats Watching TV – We’ve created a monster. Tubby now thinks any rectangular object is fair game to stare at. Picture frames for example. He also sits next to our monitors waiting for something to move. Worse he sits right in the middle of the screen while we are watching movies and shows on Netflix.

Lanie fell asleep on our bed while cuddling Tubby – It seems a certain young lady is rather tired.

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