Still Life

Blue Bowl, Blanket Box, and Crocs — I was passing through the ‘Sparkle Zone’ when I noticed the light on the bowl, blanket box, and Crocs. The latter, with their color popping.

Photograph of four leather journals with fountain pens and ink.

Journals and Ink — Four journals, four pens, one pencil, and three bottles of ink. I felt the need to take a picture, and this is what I came up with.

Morning tea on an old stool — At some point in life, we learn the value of eschewing the bright, shiny, and new for the well-worn, used, and patinaed that does its job, and does it well enough.

Doorstop — another test shot to get a feel of the workflow with the new storage and table.

Knife — A quick test of the new photography table. Jim gave me the knife a few months ago, I’m not sure where he got it from. It’s hefty and made from surgical steel. The piece of driftwood was sent to us by a friend of Ginger’s in Sweden. It was washed up on the Baltic coast and is amazingly lightweight.

Nightstand. Lighter, knife, and wallet — Little quirks that may be missed when I’m no longer around. And yes, I do lay them out like this every night.

At what point does being sensible drop over the edge into being obsessional? Asking for a friend — who likes to squeeze the life out of a toothpaste tube. Sensible or an obsession?

Ginger’s Glasses – I find them everywhere. I scoop them up from their hiding places and put them somewhere they can be found. She must have 10-20 pairs.

Kitchen Table Still Life – I was eating dinner when I noticed the light on these pots that Ginger threw at a pottery class she’s been taking. One-minute read, +1

Bedroom Plants – Same old story, I liked the light.

The soft light on a dull rainy day on these flowers Ginger picked and placed on the kitchen table caught my eye, and prompted a discovery. One-minute read, +1

Ginger recently undertook a project to make a vessel a day for 100 days. Most days a new vessel of some sort would appear on my desk. The vases came with flowers, and the pots came with small plants. One-minute read, 2 pictures

Frost melting in the early morning sunshine.

Blue Ball – Something different for a change … I was sitting at the kitchen table entranced by the play of light filtering through the trees and the kitchen window mesh screen. The shadows were forming wonderful dancing patterns on a blue (lacrosse) ball Ginger had left on the table. Video: 1 minute & 2 pictures

Salt and Pepper Shakers – Part of Ginger’s blue glass collection.

Blue Bowl (Black and White) – This is the picture that I wanted to get, and the image is ‘straight out of camera’. One-minute read

Blue Bowl – This is as near to straight out of camera as I can get without re-processing the image in the camera.

Dish – I like its rustic charm. That’s all I have to say about that.

Color photograph of paper napkins in a holder on a wooden kitchen table

Paper Napkins – Earlier today the light on the kitchen table caught my eye,and I wanted to take a picture but I was too busy. Fortunately the sky has been heavily overcast all day, when I stopped for lunch it was still looking good and I grabbed a few pictures.

Black and white photograph of a glass flower frog - abstract image

Flower Frog – I had not heard of the term ‘Flower frog’ until a few weeks ago when one was suggested by Ginger as a good way to store / hold / display fountain pens.

Still Life – the colors were just asking to be captured.

Mirror Ball – I took this picture of one of the mirror balls I used to construct the garden mobile when I was testing my new Fuji Finepix camera. The colours of the Virginia Creeper in the background are wonderful. One-minute read, 3 pictures

Oil lamp and bench — The texture of the wood and the quality of the light tempted me to take this picture.

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