Sweet Dreams Sprinky – Today we said goodbye to Sprinkles.
Cats Watching TV – We’ve created a monster. Tubby now thinks any rectangular object is fair game to stare at. Picture frames for example. He also sits next to our monitors waiting for something to move. Worse he sits right in the middle of the screen while we are watching movies and shows on Netflix.
May 27, 2015 19:24
Sprinky appears to be giving me the ‘evil eye’ (365:092) – You would have thought I would have got the hang of this self portrait taking thingy by now. Alas that isn’t the case. I spent the afternoon doing yard work, raking leaves, cutting down last year’s bamboo, I even helped Alek get the leaf blower working and took everyone to Andy’s for a concrete (ice cream). Did I immortalize any of these activities in the digital photographic medium? No. 2 pictures