Pees Hollow Trail

Camped at ‘Cab Creek’ — Finally, the sun is high enough to start warming things up. I went and sat in the sun on the other side of ‘Cab Creek’ and enjoyed the morning. +3

Day Three – tea in bed at ‘Cab Creek’. Note the sun just rising above the edge of the hollow.

Fire Tower at the Tower Trailhead, plus a nearby find. +1

Follow the trail – Nearly finished, just one last climb up to the trailhead left. Hercules Glades Wilderness – Day Three. 2 pictures

Another Gray Day.

Gary by the cab on the Pees Hollow Trail (October 2020) – A detour along the Pees Hollow Trail, lunch by ‘Cab Creek’ and another ‘Cab Selfie’ One-minute read

A wet hike back to the trailhead – I hoped I’d beat the storm, but I didn’t. Day Two, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail. Two-minute read, 3 pictures

Flowering meadow – Day Two, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail.

Selfie with the Cab – It looked like someone had been doing some close range target practice. Day Two, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail.

Another good thing about my chair… I discovered that my chair comes in useful to keep all my gear on as I break camp.

Drying my clothes and enjoying the sun – No, I wasn’t really wearing camo undies, but your eyes are not deceiving you, for the sake of modesty, in this picture I am.

Camped by ‘Cab Creek’ – Day Two, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail.

Camped by ‘Cab Creek’ – Day Two, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail.

All lit up – Day One, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail.

Sunset after the rain – Camped on ‘Cab Creek’. Day One, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail.

Trail-side shelf fungi – Day One, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail.

My new hat, and the hike didn’t go quite as planned – lots of dense brush, an angry critter, and a lack of campsites changed my plans. Two-minute read, +1

I found a hog trap, and decided to find out where the trail Ginger took a while ago led. +1

About to head down the Pees Hollow Trail (Counter-Clockwise) – Day One, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail. One-minute read, 2 pictures

Small falls on ‘Cab Creek’ – After 3-4 hours of rain last night ‘Cab Creek’ was running well. 3 pictures

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