Maine Coon

Sleeping Maine Coon Cat - Blue Kitty

Sweet Dreams Blue Kitty – Today we said goodbye to Blue Kitty. Two-minute read, 4 pictures

Sweet Dreams Sprinky – Today we said goodbye to Sprinkles.

Ginger & Sprinky – When you can’t get any work done because your cat likes Bach’s Cello Suites as much as you do… Video: 30 seconds

Leaf Me Alone. Sprinkles enjoying the sun in the backyard. 3 pictures

Meanwhile, here are some kitties – Life got busy, and things like processing and posting pictures have had to take a back seat. So, in the meantime here are some cuuute kitties. 3 pictures

Tri-puss – It’s an uncommon configuration, and for Blue Kitty to let Tubby touch her is almost unheard of. And it’s a cute picture too.

Sprinky – Nothing is out of bounds. 2 pictures

Desk-buddy – Yesterday I thought Sprinky had finally grown tired of laying on my desk, but no, here she stays, pretty much 24 x 7. 6 pictures

This Wasn’t Part Of The Plan – When I cleared my office and changed the couch I did not anticipate the increased attention my office would get from the feline members of the family. 5 pictures

Photograph of a Maine Coon Cat

Sleepy Mao.

Mao & Tubbs. I had been getting a refill of coffee from the kitchen when I walked by these two looking particularly cute.

Black and white photograph of Gary Allman (Springfield Missouri) with Sprinky, a Maine Coon cat

Black and white photograph of Gary with Sprinky.

Sleeping Maine Coon cats

My Two Office Fur Balls — They’ve left just enough room for me to sit between them.

Photograph of a Maine Coon cat looking intently out of an unseen window

The squirrels have been working on a new route. Sprinky considers this cool because she can sit and watch them from the comfort of my filing cabinet.

Photograph of a Maine Coon cat lying on a 'butchers block' style wooden table

Sprinky lying on the kitchen table – five treatments of the same picture. 5 pictures

Too Many Cat Pictures – The trouble is the cats are a constant source of amusement – so you cannot ignore them, or their strange foibles (and furballs). 5 pictures

Sprinky - a Maine Coon Cat, Photograph by Gary Allman

Sprinky sleeping on the arm of the sofa in Ginger’s office.

Main Coon Cat - Sprinkles in a small box

It’s a Sprink in a Box – No box is too small for our Maine Coon, Supa-dink aka Sprinkles.

At my desk this morning – If I could just train Tubby to do my Facebook posting for me.

My Office Fur factory – When she’s not on my desk Blue Kitty spends most of her time pushing Zees and generating fur on my spare chair.

Morning Welcome – Most mornings this is how I am welcomed to my desk.

Now let’s add in some cats… Sprinkles has a look I have more often seen in classical paintings. This shot should probably be in a caption competition. +1

Maine Coon, Blue Kitteh sleeping on the edge of Gary Allman's office desk.

Watching my work companion I’m thinking it might be worth my while switching allegiances to Buddhism. After all, from what I’ve seen, the possibility of being reincarnated as an in-door domestic cat seems to be a pretty good option.

Maine Coon cat wearing a red Santa Suite

There is a cat in a Santa suit sitting on my desk…Which explains why Ginger and Lanie took so long on the school run this afternoon.

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