Church Interior

Selby Abbey – North Transept window. Selby, North Yorkshire.

Rood screen detail — Selby Abbey. Selby, North Yorkshire.

Selby Abbey with visiting German choir. Selby, North Yorkshire. Being here took me back to my days working for The Diocese of West Missouri. One-minute read.

Selby Abbey, stained glass window. Selby, North Yorkshire.

Selby Abbey, South Transept window. Selby, North Yorkshire.

Selby Abbey, North Transept. Selby Abbey is a former Benedictine abbey and current Anglican parish church in Selby, North Yorkshire.

The light of the world – Jesus said, “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” — John 8:12

Altar and Stained Glass – This morning I had a meeting at Christ Church. When it was over I went to find pictures to accompany evening prayers. The altar was bathed in a pool of light where the cleaner had turned on the altar spotlights and left the rest of the lights off. It made for a picture I couldn’t resist. One-minute read

I am the Vine – Another evening prayer shot. As soon as I saw this Cross tag hanging on the door, I knew I had to get the picture.

Dove – I was at St. Philip’s in Joplin for a training session; I was on the receiving end for a change. When we broke for lunch I popped into the church to hunt out some images I could use for our daily evening prayers. One-minute read, 2 pictures

Christ Church Cathedral, Louisville, Kentucky. 3 pictures

High altar (Silhouette) and stained glass windows.

Holy Communion at St. John’s Cathedral. Denver, Colorado. 3 pictures

Altar – St. John’s Cathedral. Denver, Colorado.

Staircase – The stairs to the gallery were quite tight. 2 pictures

The Baptism of Persephone – I’ve often said that working for the Church I am privileged to be present at key moments in people’s lives. Unexpectedly that happened at this weekend’s Easter Vigil service. One-minute read, 2 pictures

Lenten Altar – Church of the Good Shepherd. My second (but not my last) Saturday in Kansas City this month.

Ready for the First Sunday in Lent – I took some time out from talking to visit the nave of the cathedral.

Video Project – Stepping out of my comfort zone, I’ve been working on a video for work. With twelve days to complete the project, I recorded 19 to camera pieces in eight locations. Video: 15 minutes & +2

Eucharist – Trinity Episcopal Church, Lebanon, Missouri.

Waiting – Trinity in Lebanon is one of my favorite churches to have to shoot in. One-minute read, 4 pictures

St. Johns – Stained Glass Window – I was at St. John’s for the 8:00 a.m. Eucharist this morning.

Evening Prayer at Kanuga. 3 pictures

Altar - Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, Missouri

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, Missouri 8 pictures

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