At my desk

Photograph of four leather journals with fountain pens and ink.

Journals and Ink — Four journals, four pens, one pencil, and three bottles of ink. I felt the need to take a picture, and this is what I came up with.

Cocking a snoot — Actually, I was making a snoot to test out a hair light for Ginger’s video setup in her office.

The perils (and perks) of a home office. Dick is ‘helping’ me edit videos.

Sunday morning therapy: cleaning — It’s good to push the keyboard away, get out the cleaning materials, and smell the G96 gun oil and Hoppes #9 gun bore cleaner while taking my time cleaning and checking my guns.

Milwaukee Fastback 48-22-1990 – I’ve finally got around to replacing the pocket knife I gave to Katie. One-minute read, +1

Sunday cleaning & oiling. Sig Sauer P938 – I’ve been trying to get my hands on a P938 for a long time (over a year). Everywhere I’ve checked they have been out of stock. This is the 9mm version of Katie’s 380 Caliber Sig Sauer P238 handgun. One-minute read, +1

One, two, three. Testing, testing – I’m doing my first church service broadcast in almost a year tomorrow. Time to check everything still works.

Charging the Garmin. We all know what this means. I’m charging it up ready for another backpacking trip.

Feeding the obsession – It’s not really an obsession, more of a passion. I like leather journals. I enjoyed my new Field Notes sized journal so much I decided to buy another one. +2

Trail journal – don’t knock my writing. It’s not easy to write neat notes while you are hiking. Note the tiny mechanical pencil I bought just for hiking. I included a normal-sized one in the picture for comparison.

Education for Ministry – I needed a stock picture to illustrate an article. I couldn’t find one I liked, so I threw this together.

Photographs, inks, cell phone, and Buck 110 knife on my monitor stand – and no I didn’t arrange them for the picture. Me, OCD much?

Weekend cleaning – To paraphrase the immortal line from ‘Apocalypse Now,’ I love the smell of gun oil in the morning. Many years of backpacking have certainly taken their toll on the finish of my Beretta. Especially on the side that’s showing here. That is the side that faces away from my body when it is in its holster.

Unused pencil and old plans – While the pencil remains unused, the plans at least have been implemented with the completion of the storage area in the garage in 2019. +2

How many journals do you need? I’d say three binders holding a total of seven notebooks. That’s what you can see here, and each has a purpose. Two-minute read, +2

A cuppa and two biccies – what better way to celebrate my second COVID jab?

Working and bopping – Preparing some social media posts ready for Christmas. I’ve just got to get a week’s worth of evening prayers prepared and scheduled, some loose ends to tie up, and I can take a week off work.

Geek Moment – Recently my computer of nine years died, and I decided to replace it with a gaming laptop (right).

Open Wide – Attempting to resurrect my ailing PC with one of Ginger’s dental tools (she uses them for sculpting and texturing). Two-minute read

At my desk – November 2020. +1

Ginger recently undertook a project to make a vessel a day for 100 days. Most days a new vessel of some sort would appear on my desk. The vases came with flowers, and the pots came with small plants. One-minute read, 2 pictures

Having fun with my meeting backgrounds – I’ve not been counting how long we’ve been sequestering ourselves away from COVID-19, so I checked. Today is day 45. Three-minute read

Coffee Hour (or should that be ‘Tea break’) – I took this photo of my desk with my phone this morning. I didn’t realize at the time how much history and how many special things there could be in a simple picture. One-minute read

The Books on my desk – Last night, when I tidied up I left a stack of books on the corner of my desk. Seeing them this morning reminded me how much my life has changed. Four-minute read, 2 pictures

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