Frosty Morning - The predicted overnight temperatures were 30°F. It dropped to 21°F. Fortunately, I'd anticipated this and I was nice and warm in my hammock.
2020 Favorites
My favorite pictures and posts from 2020.
Decay - Leaves, shells and a stick covered with frost, and some monofilament fishing line leading to an unseen dead bird in the water.
Contemplating - nothing of great import, and I don't think I wrote more than half a dozen words. 2 pictures
Sycamores in Mary Hollow - Having finished lunch, I packed up and hiked the last part of the McGarr Spring Trail back to Mary Hollow. Emerging into Mary Hollow these brightly lit sycamore trees caught my eye.
Hiking (bushwhacking) the western end of the Mary Hollow Trail. 7 pictures
Sunset and ripples - Sunset at the North Fork River.
Sunset at the North Fork River. 2 pictures
Bell Mountain. View to the east. Bell Mountain - Day One.
Ozarks Horizon. Bell Mountain – Day Two.
Ginger's studio at night.
Small falls on 'Cab Creek' - After 3-4 hours of rain last night 'Cab Creek' was running well. 3 pictures
Table Rock Lake at Piney Creek Wilderness - this is my little spot of Ozarks' heaven. Piney Creek - Day One.
Gary taking in the view (and enjoying a beer) - Table Rock Lake at Piney Creek Wilderness. I wasn't going to let the weight stop me, I carried in a beer to enjoy down by the lake. Piney Creek - Day One.
In the woods - It is a nothing picture. You need to be there, listening to the birds, hearing and feeling the breeze, smelling the woodsy smells, and enjoying the warm sunshine on your skin.
Camped by 'Cab Creek' - Day Two, Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow Trail.
Storm clearing - Piney Creek Wilderness - Day One.
Camp life - Relaxing in Piney Creek Wilderness - I put my wet shirt and a pair of shorts on for this picture. They came off as soon as I'd taken it. Piney Creek Wilderness - Day Two. 5 pictures
Sunset at Piney Creek Wilderness. Piney Creek Wilderness - Day Two. 2 pictures
Buck Hollow in the evening light. Piney Creek Wilderness - Day Two.
Backpacking Selfie.
Chapel Cross - St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Missouri.
Camped in 'Twin Falls Hollow' - I've not camped in this spot for a while. Recently I've been bushwhacking further down the hollow where the sides are not quite so steep. But the views here are much nicer, and I like the little rock-shelf tables I can use as mini kitchen tables. 4 pictures
Little Paddy Creek on the short cut between the South & North Loops. Incorrect maps, and assisting some misplaced riders. Three-minute read, +3
Morning Tea. Berryman Trail - Day Two, December 2020.