Workbench Project
When we bought the minivan it became obvious that the garage would need reorganizing as it is a very tight fit. It’s almost impossible to get at any tools while the van is in the garage. We’ve also got a lot of carpentry to be done so a workbench with easy access and one that I can mount my power tools on is needed.
I’ve designed, what I hope will be a practical foldaway workbench. We’ll see. Now all I have to do is make it.
Shopping at Lowes
This morning we went to Lowes to get the stuff needed to build the new workbench. Though of course, nothing is that simple. Before I’m finished I’ve got to fit two new receptacles (mains sockets) one half switched for the lighting over the bench and the other half for the garage door opener. This means I’ve had to learn from scratch how electrical work is done in the US. And it is completely different from the UK. Not a screw terminal in sight.
However, My biggest problem with shopping this time was finding screws. They just don’t have any sort of a selection at Lowes. I feel really stupid and very demoralized when such a simple a thing as buying fastenings takes over an hour and I come away with what I feel is substandard items.
At least the van proved that it can (just) take 4′ x 8′ sheets.
We went to another store and lo and behold, they had a stock of decent screws (German). So at least I now know they do exist.
Cleared up, ready to start
Here’s the garage with the west wall cleared ready for prepping and painting, and lots of room for me to be working in making the workbench.
Building the workbench
The first thing I had to do was make a workbench so I could build the workbench. I’m cutting all the lumber (as it is called here) to length ready for the big assembly job. The two roller stands have been excellent, allowing me to handle eight-foot lengths of 2″ x 10″ timber with ease. They’d be worth the full price, but I bought the pair for $5 at a Garage sale.
Space is a bit tight
Here’s the bench laid out on the garage floor just so I can check it all fits. I’ve just got the legs for the benchtop to make now, and then it has all got to be assembled. The wall has to be painted before we can put it up too. Ginger is helping out by fixing the wall and painting it.
Getting Ready for Gluing
Workbench – Glued and Screwed
And with added Gary
Honey-do List
This week I’ve been working on my ‘Honey-do’ list and managed to cross off four items: Fitted a new front door, replaced the broken light switch in the kitchen and replaced the light fitting in Alek’s room.
This afternoon saw me working on the fourth project, which involved performing major reconstructive surgery on the couch which was becoming rather saggy. It also involved a lot of close ‘head inside back of couch’ work, which my lack of near vision leaves me struggling, especially if the thing I want to see is at the top of my field of vision. The only way I can see things above me it to try and twist my head as far back as it will go to bring the offending item into the bottom near vision portion of my glasses.
Using leftover two by four timbers to shore things up inside the couch will hopefully hold it all together for some time. Hmmm, I wonder if a couple of two by fours would do anything for my saggies?
I thought all this Do It Yourself work was a fitting excuse to take a picture of myself and the completed workbench.