Quick links: People | Vacations | Recreation | Timeline & Favorites | Favorites by year | Themes | Places
To view an album, click on the album cover picture.
More self-portraits here than you can shake a hiking pole at.

A few words about my 365 Days projects: The challenge was to publish one self-portrait picture a day, for 365 days. I completed two years (2007 & 2011), I failed miserably in my second attempt in 2008.
Vacations & Trips
We don’t get away often, but here’s what we get up to when we do.

Timeline & Favorites
My favorite pictures for each year
An album of my favorite pictures for each year from 2007 to date
I have far more ‘favorite pictures’ than I’m willing to put into my ‘all-time’ favorites album. Click on a picture below to see all my favorite pictures taken in any given year.

Photo albums organized by where they were taken, more for my own entertainment than anything else.