2020 Backpacking Year Summary – My annual total for 2020 was 28 nights, 216 miles, and 20,500 ft of elevation. Not an overly impressive set of figures, but considering the year’s events, not too bad either.

Final trip of 2020 over — Not the most flattering of pictures. A quick summary of my hike out. One-minute read.

Tales of stupidity — Camped overlooking ‘Twin Falls Hollow’ – This trip had been dogged by a series of stupid mistakes. My final mistake could easily have been fatal, but as is usually the case when I do something stupid, I was lucky and got away with it. Until possibly, one day I won’t. Five-minute read, +3

Gary at the Blair Ridge Trailhead – The hike from the Falls to the Blair Ridge Trailhead is supposed to be around three-and-a-half miles. I’d say it was nearer to three. It was a cold, dull, gray day, so no pictures. Anyway, it was just standard Ozarks ridge trail scenery. That’s my last unhiked trail in Hercules Glades completed. One-minute read, +3

Vertigo – Watch your step, it’s a fairly steep drop of around 100ft and a very narrow trail. I made sure I didn’t drop a hiking pole while taking a picture here.

Small Falls on Long Creek. +1

Meet the Flintstones – Looks like somewhere Fred, Wilma, and Pebbles might live. It’s another overhang campsite, but this one has more home comforts and a rock-edged path down to the creek where there is a wide pool. +2

Long Creek. Hercules Glades – Day Three – This is the spot nearest to my campsite and where I drew my water. What you can’t see in this picture are the frozen bits.

Overhang Campsite – When I camped here in May 2019 I ended up in the ER the next day.

Getting ready to break camp on Day Three.

Lower Pilot – from the Coy Bald Trail, Hercules Glades Wilderness. I started my day camped about three-quarters of a mile to the west (left) of the Lower Pilot. Taken with my 14-year-old Fuji Finepix digital camera. One-minute read

The Pilots – Seen from the Coy Bald Trail.

Looking up Long Creek (east). Hercules Glades – Day Two.

I stopped for lunch and to refill my water bottle, and I learned a lesson while I was about it. One-minute read

View out of Hercules Glades Wilderness to the north. +1

About to break camp – There are three things to note in this picture…

I get my day’s breakfast and trail food out first thing so I don’t forget to unpack it before I break camp and put everything in my backpack.

Good Morning. Hercules Glades – Day Two.

Camped by ‘Deep Hollow’ – After years of camping down in hollows to be near water, I am now learning the advantages of going higher and putting up with a longer trek to fetch water. +1

Ice in ‘Deep Hollow’ – Okay, so I managed to let one of my hiking poles fall into the hollow while taking the previous picture. Which meant I had to climb down and retrieve it. While I was there, I took this picture.

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