November 19, 2013 20:42.A Thanksgiving place mat and the value of proofreading

A Thanksgiving place mat and the value of proofreading

Christ Episcopal Church Thanksgiving Dinner Place Mat. No it doesn't mention Thanksgiving, we thought we'd leave it non-specific so we could use it for other occasions
Christ Episcopal Church Thanksgiving Dinner Place Mat

I was asked “Do you have time to produce the place mat artwork for the Thanksgiving dinner?” I said I could, provided it wasn’t going to be a hugely complicated design. We agreed on something really simple, and after a couple of drafts I thought I was done. Then there was that last minute change, you know, the simple change that throws the layout out. So I hastily added a title to the top just to give the design some balance. Too hastily. In my rush to get it done I transposed two letters, and the problem wasn’t spotted.

On the day of the dinner luckily someone saw the error just before the place-mats were printed (thank you Mary!). I was working on-site with a customer when I heard about the problem. “Did we have enough time to print them if I could get a new file out by 4:00pm?” I inquired, and the reply, thankfully, was yes. Above is the final place mat with “Epsicopal” spelled correctly. I know this lesson, I obviously just needed some reinforcement.

No matter how rushed you are, or how minor the change, properly proof your work.

Copyright © 2013 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. For Christ Episcopal Church


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