Today I had a long day at Church. Not as long as the Adult Choir though. They were at church rehearsing at 6:30 am sang at the seven o’clock service and were back for the eleven o’clock service!
Luckily for me, unlike the choir, my day didn’t start until 8:30 am, checking the church was ready and handing out a few bulletins before taking pictures of the children Flowering the Cross. Overnight rain and an uncertain weather outlook meant the flowering was done inside this year – the unbalanced mix of fluorescent lights is always a challenge for taking pictures, so I threw in a couple of flash shots – especially when I needed a deeper depth of field. To steal from my post on Facebook about trying to get pictures of the kids, “While Pandemonium didn’t rule, it seemed to have a pretty good working majority”. Mary and Sherrie deserve medals!
With kids running everywhere, it was a bit of a ‘spray and pray’ session. That is, take a load of pictures and pray that enough kids are standing still and no one is running into, or, out of the shot.
Next year I’ll make sure I’m not scheduled to be an usher while I’m trying to take pictures. I totally missed the children’s Easter egg hunt while I was tidying up the church after the 9:00 am service. I popped back into church to get a few more pictures before the 11:00 am service started and discovered we were an usher short, so I stayed and helped out.
The afternoon went quickly by with a short nap, and then processing the pictures from this morning. Day done!
Copyright © 2013 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. For Christ Episcopal Church