
Early Morning mist on the lake – Berry Bend, Harry S Truman Reservoir

Early Morning mist on the lake - Berry Bend, Truman lake, Missouri
Early Morning mist on the lake – Berry Bend, Truman lake, Missouri

This was our view of Truman lake first thing Saturday morning. Wonderful. Ginger got a better picture of this, but I’m quite happy with this image.

As we had to be in Kansas City Sunday to pick up a group of youth group kids, we decided to drive up to Berry Bend Friday afternoon and camp Friday and Saturday. The campground is 100 miles nearer to Kansas City, so we could get away without an early start Sunday. Our plan: to get some R&R and time in our kayaks out on the lake.

You can read a full write up of our weekend and see a lot more pictures in our post on Ozarks Walkabout.

Copyright © 2012 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. For Ozarks Walkabout
