October 2, 2012 20:06.Busiek Day Hike

Busiek Day Hike

Busiek Red / Yellow Trail

We hiked the Busiek Red and Yellow trials today – 5 miles and 596 ft. of elevation. We ventured off-trail for a while so I could show Ginger some of the things I’d discovered when I backpacked through here in June.

The 1930s Dodge Panel Truck has been put the right way up by someone (it was on its side). I’m not sure if I like the idea of it being moved or not. Regardless it was an opportunity for a few pictures.

We also got to see a fair bit of trash visitors to Busiek have left behind. We’re not sure if this is caused by ignorance or laziness. Is education the answer or just a waste of time?

Copyright © 2012 Gary Allman, all rights reserved. For Ozarks Walkabout


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