Nightstand. Lighter, knife, and wallet — Little quirks that may be missed when I’m no longer around. And yes, I do lay them out like this every night.
That moment when …
you regret ignoring the message from Photoshop asking if you really want to close the window without saving …
September 4, 2020 17:51
Connections and Degrees of Separation – You may have heard of the idea that all the people on Earth are six or fewer steps away from each other in a human chain of contacts. The “Six degrees of separation” theory, In June this year, I discovered I was three steps away from Che Guevara. Three-minute read, 3 pictures
October 8, 2017 19:16
Yesterday Ginger and I were discussing the absurdity of Lay-away … … I still haven’t got the tune of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” out of my head.