Life Events

Robert's 'Official' Christening Picture.
Another Shower shot, only this time I didn't get wet (365: 43) - I thought one of the ideas behind the 365 days project was to help people get to know themselves. This poses a problem when you find you don't like the person you've got to know. One-minute read, +1
Calm Centre (365: 135) - Many years ago I visited this spot at a time when I needed to make an important decision. I also needed a place and memory to act as a calm reference point to carry with me and help in the years to come. Two-minute read, 2 pictures
Denouement (365: 161) - This morning I told Elaine I wanted a divorce. One-minute read
Black and white picture of Gary Allman sitting in a car in Osbourne Road Southsea.
Stunned (365:171) - This is what it looks like when the financial rug is unexpectedly pulled out from under you. One-minute read, 5 pictures
My new home. I signed the lease today. 44a St. David's Road, Portsmouth. The top flat will be mine from July 5th. I'm looking forward to getting out of temporary bed & breakfast accommodation and into my own place. +4
A black and white photograph of Gary and Ginger Allman on the the day they first met (August 11, 2007)
August 11, 2007, First Meeting - and just over a month after we realized we'd get married. Two-minute read, +1
Photograph of Gary Allman standing outside Blake lapthorn Tarlo Lyons Solicitors. Portsmouth UK. 2007
Solicitor - Today I had the first meeting about the divorce with my solicitor. There I was thinking I'd got some clarity in my life. In fact all I've done is stirred up all the muck and now I can't see a thing.
Decree nisei - Today the decree nisei was issued. I didn’t receive a copy until the 12th. One-minute read

Today I received the decree absolute. Four months after my first meeting with my solicitor. Now we can apply for my visa. All I need is the list of papers I need to take with me on my next visit.

A special event – Gary and Ginger get engaged - Okay I admit it, this isn’t a special picture in the photographic sense, but it isn’t every day you get engaged.
Fourteen months later - finished - A lot of water has passed under the bridge since the night in March 2007 when I started thinking about finishing off the work on the house. Two-minute read, 2 pictures
Keith's Graduation at the University of Southampton. +3
Resignation - I have to give three months’ notice at work. So linking the end of my employment to having my US Visa is a nightmare. One-minute read
Gary's last day working at the University of Southampton - Today was my last day at the University of Southampton. This is what I said to my friends and colleagues... One-minute read, 2 pictures
The last lap (Part One) - It is nine fifty-five pm in the UK and three fifty-five pm in Dallas. I got up at four am this morning to travel to Heathrow with Ian and Robert. Two-minute read, 2 pictures
Ginger and Gary's Wedding day - At four pm on 20 February 2009 we got married. Here are a small sample of the 800-odd photographs we have of the day. Album: 15-minute read, +64
Photograph of Ginger and Gary Allman on the Coy Bald Trail
December 2010, and our very first backpacking trip. Five-minute read, +21
One door closes as another opens by Gary
One door opens as another closes (365:034) - I've just received news of a death in the family back in the UK, and This morning we went to the hospital to see the latest addition to our family, Natalie Anne, born yesterday evening to Betsy and Matt. Just as one life ends another has begun.
New arrival - Meet my first grandchild. Born 19:59, April 13, 2014, and weighing 7lbs exactly.
EFM Graduation - Today saw the end of my four years of study. +12

Lanie receiving her certificate This evening Lanie was inducted into the National Honor Society. Well done Lanie!!

Sweet dreams Getzger. Goodbye Mr. Cat.
Lanie's Graduation Party Poster.
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