April 29, 2023 10:33.Day Two — Starts with a lazy morning

Day Two — Starts with a lazy morning

Day Two — Enjoying a morning cuppa at ‘Deep Hollow.’
Enjoying a morning cuppa at ‘Deep Hollow.’ Copyright © 2023 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.

Yesterday Evening I arrived at my campsite just before six-thirty. I used my compass to get me in the general vicinity, and then the GPS to save me spending too long playing hunt the trees.

It rained briefly while I was down at the creek getting water and started up again in earnest around half past eight. By then, I was all sorted out and settled in for the evening.

Despite turning in around nine-thirty last night, I didn’t wake up until nine. I must have been tired!

The days are much longer now, sunset isn’t until eight o’clock, so I planned to lollygag in camp and leave between one and two. I had decided to hike the Pees Hollow Trail tomorrow and set up camp at ‘Wahoo Point’ tonight, which is pretty much the start of the trail going clockwise. If I leave on time, I should be at my next campsite by six, six-thirty.

Meanwhile, I’d enjoy sitting and watching the trees shaking off the night’s rain and the vultures soaring on the uplift from the nearby bluffs. There was also breakfast and lunch to be prepared and consumed!

Copyright © 2023 Gary Allman, all rights reserved.


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