My 2018 Top 100 on Spotify; it’s a tad eclectic. Brit Pop, Bluegrass, College Rock, Electro Pop, Folk, Jazz, Prog Rock, and Soul. One-minute read

British Passport (2018)

Rinse and Repeat. The shop assistant squealed, she’d never seen a passport before, let alone a British one … The UK and the US. It’s often said that they are two nations separated by a common language. After ten years living in the US I can confirm that it is still true. Three-minute read

Fall In The Forest – Hercules Glades. 3 pictures

Gary Allman on the Pees Hollow trail at Hercules Glades Wilderness.

Dressed for chilly weather, and looking a bit chubby too.

Fall Carpet – On the top of a ridge I came across this vista of leaves.

Dutchware Chameleon hammock with winter cover, and Hammock Gear Tarp and Econ Incubator 10° Under quilt. Hercules Glades Wilderness.

Sunday – Time to head back. 2 pictures

Boiling water on a Trangia alcohol stove. Titanium wind screen, and Toaks 850ml cook pot.

Lunch – Making a hot drink on the trail. 2 pictures

Self and Sky. Resting in the wilderness.

On the Pete (Pole) Hollow Trail heading North.

Saturday Morning – Packing up Camp 5 pictures

Camouflaged hammock on the side of a hill. Hercules Glades Wilderness.

Camped on a Hillside.

Glades! Glades on the Upper Pilot (Devil’s Den East) Trail. 2 pictures

Dutchware Gear Chameleon Hamock with winter cover, and Hammock Gear tarp and underquilt. Hercules Glades Wilderness. November 2018.

Friday Morning – And not a soul for miles around.

The start of my trip – Lots of crunchy leaves on the trail.

Self portrait of Gary Allman at the junction of the Pilots and Pole Hollow trails, Hercules Glades Wilderness. November 2018.

Hercules Glades Backpacking, November 2018 – Van problems forced me to select a nearby trail for a late fall break. Another visit to Hercules Glades was on the cards. Trip write-up: 10-minute read, +52

Ginger & Sprinky – When you can’t get any work done because your cat likes Bach’s Cello Suites as much as you do… Video: 30 seconds

Leaf Me Alone. Sprinkles enjoying the sun in the backyard. 3 pictures

Red aumn (Fall) leaf on a background of yellow leaves

Flying – I love how this leaf looks like it is spreading its wings and is about to fly.

Video Project – Stepping out of my comfort zone, I’ve been working on a video for work. With twelve days to complete the project, I recorded 19 to camera pieces in eight locations. Video: 15 minutes & +2

Eucharist – Trinity Episcopal Church, Lebanon, Missouri.

Waiting – Trinity in Lebanon is one of my favorite churches to have to shoot in. One-minute read, 4 pictures

Meanwhile, here are some kitties – Life got busy, and things like processing and posting pictures have had to take a back seat. So, in the meantime here are some cuuute kitties. 3 pictures

We broke our trip home at Charleston, West Virginia. 2 pictures

Berlin Wall – Not what you expect to find in the Pennsylvania countryside. 2 pictures

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