June 20, 2014 23:09.An evening visit to Caerlaverock Castle

An evening visit to Caerlaverock Castle

Caerlaverock Castle
Caerlaverock Castle

Vacation Day 16 – Scotland, and some time with my uncle

We drove around the Lake District for a while before heading to Scotland. My Uncle has moved since our last visit, so instead of having to travel all the way to Glasgow we only had to hop across the border and head west towards Dumfries. We had just enough time to unloaded our bags before we were off out again to take in some of the local scenery.

After looking at the castle we decided to take a short walk along the coastal path to a nearby parking lot while my uncle went back, collected the car, and drove round to meet us.

It was a simple plan, duly executed, except when we got to the parking lot the car was there, but there was no sign of my uncle. Somehow we’d managed to lose him! As we walked the coastal path I’d noticed a second path and I guessed he’d decided to come and meet us, and had taken the other path. We waited a good long time for him to give up looking for us and return to the car. It was getting dark and cold when I went back along the path to find him. I was right. He’d taken the wrong path, and I soon found him.

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