Typical Ozarks recreational arrangements (365:365) – Today we sunbathed and went on a short exploratory hike. Yes, that’s right, sunbathed on the 31 December in the Northern hemisphere. Three-minute read, +8

Penultimate campfire of 2011 (365:364) – We were in two minds as to where to go backpacking this weekend. Piney Creek Wilderness, or the similarly sounding Paddy Creek Wilderness… Two-minute read

Photograph of Gary Allman and Tubby - a Burmese cat.

Gary and Tubby (365:363) – I was taking some family portraits and I forgot to include myself, so here I am with Tubby. One-minute read, 5 pictures

Color Photograph of gary Allman taken on December 29 2011.

Winding down at the end of the day (365:362) – We seem to spend a lot of time in the office area at the moment

Making stuff

Making stuff (365:361) – Today I made myself useful by making stuff in the garage. 2 pictures

Gary and Ginger’s Christmas present (356:360).

At the end of Christmas day (365:359) – Despite my preference for a lie-in we were up before seven, then it was non-stop with present opening, visiting family, food, drinks and finally a couple of card games. 6 pictures

Christmas Eve (365:358) – Here I am in my church Christmas finery.

We arrived home from Christmas food shopping to find this very kind gift of fruit and fruit dipped in chocolate had been delivered Of course it had to be eaten straight away as we knew it wouldn’t keep 🙂 and of course the fridge is full.

It’s been a while since I took a wall picture. Working late again – 2am.

That’s all.

Color photograph of Gary Allman taken on December 21, 2011

Another late night (365:354).

Cat and mouse (365:353) – Sprinky decided to fall asleep on my EfM lesson notes.

Ginger puts a smile on my face (365:352) – I checked my eyes; unfortunately you can’t see what she was doing.

Gary eats a Tie fighter (cookie)

And swiftly dispatches Daft Cookie-Monster in the process Actually it’s the ‘H’ from Christmas; Lanie made some Christmas cookies tonight.

I promised some pictures of the sparkles (when the sun finally came out again) When we reorganised our office area Ginger put lots of glass and crystal beads in the windows. However, there was a problem, getting sparkles like this all over my monitors required the installation of the ‘anti-sparkle screen’.

Gary Allman checking his EFM Coursework

Ginger dropped me off early at church tonight. I used the extra time to sit in the classroom and go over my coursework.

An afternoon in bed (365:348) – I thought I was feeling better, Unfortunately not.

The erratic focusing on the camera is starting to annoy me The camera software tells me the camera focused on my chest. So why is my hand in the primary focus zone? Sigh. I can’t wait to get this project finished and run some detailed focus tests.

Ginger said this picture is me. It must be the slight smile.

Apple, cheese and crackers (365:345).

Gary, Tubby and Sprinky (365:344) – Half past eleven and I’m still at my desk.

Gary with our blue Christmas tree (365:343) – Are you wondering why the tree has a blue Santa hat? So was I. Lanie decorated the tree, I’m sure she knows.

This was going to be a picture of me and the anti-sparkle shield (365:342) – but I didn’t like that shot.

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