Video Short

Short videos that put a place into context or make a point.

A quick pan of the south shore from Piney Creek towards Table Rock Lake. Table Rock Lake is low. Almost the lowest I’ve seen it so far. On the good side, the change in lake level has caused all the silt to be washed out of the creek mouth. Video: 24-seconds.

Eleven Point River, Scenic Overlook — Irish Wilderness, Missouri. February 2024. Video: 26-seconds.

Irish Wilderness Whites Creek Trail, trail conditions along the Eleven Point River bluff — It’s a rugged and knurly hike. Not a trail for anyone who’s not sure footed or has problems with heights! Video: One-minute.

First Light, Irish Wilderness — The pre-dawn light got me out of bed to enjoy the sunrise. Video: One-minute.

Evidence of Busy Beavers on Whites Creek, Irish Wilderness, Missouri. They’ve been very busy, and at the moment, it looks more like wanton destruction than a lodge building exercise. Video: 34 seconds

Toledo Bend Reservoir, Louisiana. From the Louisiana Tourist Center, complete with the sounds of an accompanying distant chainsaw. Video: 25 Seconds

Near Gaither Mountain Overlook, Arkansas — The first major scenic overlook of our trip, and well worth the stop. Video: 24 Seconds

Nowhere – State Highway 206, New Mexico — Day Three. We stopped to grab a quick video of the impressive nothingness here for the folks back home. Within ten minutes a couple of guys (from the buildings you can see in the distance behind the water tank) turned up to check on us. It is not as deserted as it might appear! Video: 30 seconds

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