SB-700 Speedlight

Katie – pictures rescued from the cutting room floor – I found these pictures in 2015 and thought they’d be worth processing and sharing. 4 pictures

Lanie – pictures rescued from the cutting room floor. 2 pictures

Photograph of Gary Allman and Tubby - a Burmese cat.

Gary and Tubby (365:363) – I was taking some family portraits and I forgot to include myself, so here I am with Tubby. One-minute read, 5 pictures

Gary and Ginger’s Christmas present (356:360).

At the end of Christmas day (365:359) – Despite my preference for a lie-in we were up before seven, then it was non-stop with present opening, visiting family, food, drinks and finally a couple of card games. 6 pictures

Ginger puts a smile on my face (365:352) – I checked my eyes; unfortunately you can’t see what she was doing.

Gary eats a Tie fighter (cookie)

And swiftly dispatches Daft Cookie-Monster in the process Actually it’s the ‘H’ from Christmas; Lanie made some Christmas cookies tonight.

The erratic focusing on the camera is starting to annoy me The camera software tells me the camera focused on my chest. So why is my hand in the primary focus zone? Sigh. I can’t wait to get this project finished and run some detailed focus tests.

Day 314 (365:314) just another day.

Studying (365:313) – I’m now well into year two of my EfM course.

Once more I stand before the wall

I’ve fallen behind with this project Over a month behind (today’s December 4th). My computer decided to go slow making it almost impossible to process pictures. I’ve kept on taking them, I just couldn’t process and upload them. To make matters worse this coincided with a lot of work (which is continuing). I’ve now got a nice shiny new, custom-built fast computer, which is helping me clear my 250+ picture backlog. I’m planning to catch up over the next week or two. I hope so; it will be nice to finish posting my 365 days on January 1.

A trim was overdue

Black and white photograph of Gary Allman. October 27, 2011

Left Profile (365:300)

Gary plus rat (365:283) – This plastic rat has been making appearances in lots of places over the past few days. 2 pictures

Black and white photograph of gary Allman (Springfield Missouri) talking on the telephone.

Chatting with Ginger on the telephone (365:279) – This time we’re only 600 miles apart, not 5,000.

Well it worked. I spent the day processing pictures – a slow job until I get a faster computer. After getting the kids from school we took Alek and Katie to a career fair. Having made sure that they were actually asking questions and collecting information, Lanie and I went to the library. I couldn’t find a book that took my fancy before being called to go back and collect the big kids. I spent the remainder of the evening working on picture processing, taking a break to chat with Ginger on the ‘phone (love you honey) before processing more

It would have been an okay picture if the camera hadn’t focused on my ear. Oh well, it’s the only picture I’ve got. Today Ginger left myself and Getzger in charge while she’s away on a trip to Chicago with our friend Rebbie. I get my chance to go to Chicago in a couple of weeks time. I spent my day at the computer, and by early evening I couldn’t see a thing. Last Thusday after just eight hours in front of the computer I couldn’t read a license plate at 15-20 feet. Not good. I guess it really is

There goes September. Hiking: 4 miles (just). Kayaking trips: 0. Nights camping: 0. Hours spent at the computer working – too many to count. I cock a snoot (metaphorically, and photographically quite literally) at September. Definition: Cock a Snoot Photography: Snoot

Gary’s a lumberjack for the day (365:266) – I spent most of the day logging. Some friends are thinning out their trees, cutting the big ones into 8-9 foot logs and sending them to a local lumber mill. I volunteered to give them a hand today, so I spent my day clearing and cutting back brush, chaining logs and standing well back as the tractor dragged them up the hill.

Thursday Evening (365:265) – Today was my study day. Today it really is 100 days until the end of this project!

Warmth (365:259) – This week it went from a hot 94°F to a chilly 45°F.

Studying again (365:258) – The second year of my EFM course starts tonight. 2 pictures

It’s gone 1 am again.

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