
Stained glass window in the Chapel of The Good Shepherd – This stained glass window is in the Chapel of The Good Shepherd, Christ Episcopal Church. We’ll forego the debate on the full meaning of the sacrificial lamb.

The Books on my desk – Last night, when I tidied up I left a stack of books on the corner of my desk. Seeing them this morning reminded me how much my life has changed. Four-minute read, 2 pictures

It’s been a busy week. Three days spent out attending business meetings in Louisville Kentucky followed by confirmations and ordinations back in Springfield. Three-minute read, 6 pictures

Holy Communion at St. John’s Cathedral. Denver, Colorado. 3 pictures

Censing the Altar – Bishop-Elect Kimberly (Kym) Lucas. 2 pictures

Prayer Candles, St. John’s Cathedral Denver, Colorado

Staircase – The stairs to the gallery were quite tight. 2 pictures

The Baptism of Persephone – I’ve often said that working for the Church I am privileged to be present at key moments in people’s lives. Unexpectedly that happened at this weekend’s Easter Vigil service. One-minute read, 2 pictures

Lenten Altar – Church of the Good Shepherd. My second (but not my last) Saturday in Kansas City this month.

Ready for the First Sunday in Lent – I took some time out from talking to visit the nave of the cathedral.

Video Project – Stepping out of my comfort zone, I’ve been working on a video for work. With twelve days to complete the project, I recorded 19 to camera pieces in eight locations. Video: 15 minutes & +2

Eucharist – Trinity Episcopal Church, Lebanon, Missouri.

Waiting – Trinity in Lebanon is one of my favorite churches to have to shoot in. One-minute read, 4 pictures

St. Johns – Stained Glass Window – I was at St. John’s for the 8:00 a.m. Eucharist this morning.

Austin, Texas at night from the Colorado River

Austin, Texas at night from the Colorado River

Photograph of Gary Allman on the hiking trails at Kanuga -- Near Hendersonville, North Carolina

Kanuga Hiking Selfies. 3 pictures

Evening Prayer at Kanuga. 3 pictures

Kanuga’s Trails. An afternoon hike on Kanuga’s Yellow and Red trails. 6 pictures

Cross by Lake Kanuga. 2 pictures

Kanuga Campus Pictures. 11 pictures

Altar - Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, Missouri

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City, Missouri 8 pictures

Diaconal Ministry and Community. A small group discussion led by the Venerable Bruce Bower. 2 pictures

The Nave of St. John's Episcopal Church, Springfield, MO, bathed in early morning sunlight

Sunlight in the Nave – St. John’s Episcopal Church, Springfield — Today the sunlight was streaming in low through the windows in the nave. 4 pictures

Sunday I went on a 200 mile round trip to Nevada, Missouri to attend the installation of Jim Lile as rector at All Saints’ Episcopal Church. 11 pictures

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