Camp Cooking

Day Four — Making breakfast. It was quite cold last night — 36 Degrees — and it’s pretty damp, too, so it feels colder than it is. A Pop-Tart, ginger and orange tea, with biscuits and gravy will soon warm things up.

Stopped for lunch at Little Brazil Creek. +1

Day Two — Breakfast. As usual, I’m heating my water on my Fancee Feest alcohol stove. And I’m using my boxed Firebox Nano wood stove to keep the alcohol burner off of the ground. +1

Prepping for a four-day hike in Irish Wilderness — There’s a break in the weather and even some rain in the forecast. Tomorrow I’m driving the two-and-a-half hours east to Irish Wilderness, and I’m hiking the Whites Creek Trail counter-clockwise and I’m going to take a leisurely four days to do it. Two-minute read, +2

Day Two. Late Breakfast — Biscuits and Gravy, and a cup of Rosie Lee.

Lunch stop, and time to filter some more water. +3

‘Red Flag’ Warning — so I shall not be using my wood stove. High winds, dry conditions, and unseasonable temperatures have resulted in a ‘No fires’ advisory today. And given how windy and dry it is, that makes sense.

Stopped for Lunch by Piney Creek — I thought this was the spot we stopped for lunch on 11-11-2011, but it was probably the next creek crossing. +1

Day Four — View from my hammock, February 2, 2024 — I survived the night 🙂 (at my age I sometimes wonder!), but my heart was still in AFIB. I had enough water for breakfast (12oz), a cup of something hot (10oz), and about 4oz for the trail.

Trying out a gas stove for a change — Conclusion: I prefer my Fancee Feest Cat Can stove.

Heating water for dinner — Using my Firebox Nano wood stove.

Making lunch — That’s the objective of this trip achieved, I’m at the Big Paddy Creek Scenic Overlook. It is time to make lunch and enjoy the view.

Backpacking gear to the rescue — Making breakfast and charging my phone while the power is out. We were lucky, we only went without power for 21 hours. +1

Photograph of Gary Allman sitting in a camp chair with a pot of food. Camped in Piney Creek Wilderness, Missouri, USA. July 2023.

Noodles for lunch.

Preparing and eating lunch — time to have some lunch before getting on the trail. And finally the sun has come out! +1

Impressive food bag hang — even if I say so myself. at least 20 ft.

Looking down stream. Long Creek, Hercules Glades Wilderness. I decided that this was a good place to stop for lunch, which was noodles, pre-cooked bacon, and a Snickers bar for dessert, all washed down with a cup of coffee. +1

Dinner time, camped at ‘Twin Falls Hollow.’ A change of plans was needed… +2

Trails snacks for the day and some exploring. +1

While I was getting breakfast ready it started to snow. I then spent a quiet morning enjoying the solitude until I was visited by a bunch of people on horseback. Two-minute read

Noodles for lunch – I cooked breakfast on the wood stove. I decided to use the Fancee Feest alcohol stove to heat water for my lunch.

Clear-up after breakfast – I’ve used this stove a lot on this trip, and its final outing was heating water for my breakfast – biscuits and Gravy, and my morning cup of mocha. +2

Mountain House Southwest Breakfast Skillet and a cup of tea (PG Tips), enjoyed against the backdrop of the lake.

Mini campfire – I left a full fuel bottle with Ginger, and while I had enough alcohol for dinner and breakfast, I decided to save fuel and get out my Nano Firebox.

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