Backpacking 12-09-2020

End of trip selfie – Day Four – In total I’d hiked 27.5 miles and climbed over 2,600ft. I’m still not particularly fit, but my averages are rising.

Splashes – As anticipated, the hike out was cold and damp. So I ‘poured on the coal’ again and got moving. I wanted to get to the warmth and heated seat in the car as soon as possible.

Packing up after the rain – Everything including the hammock has been packed away leaving just the tarp which I kept up so that the occasional rain shower and drips from the trees didn’t get me and the gear wet.

Beecher Spring and site of the abandoned Edward Beecher Recreation Area – my destination for the day. One-minute read, +2

Berryman Trail sign – Anyone know what the logo at the bottom is? Ginger reckons it’s a bong. I think it means potable water. Again Google has let me down.

Poor flag etiquette – Not content with letting the flag touch the ground, it’s also in an appalling state. +1

Kudos to the Ozark Trail Association – The trail is very well maintained, and I like the new routing away from all the wet and marshy ground. The extra three miles are welcome too. I noticed that the complete Berryman Trail is now marked as a ‘spur trail’ of the Ozark Trail, which is good. If only all the Missouri trails were this well stewarded.

Crossing Floyd Tower Rd. (again). On the western loop this time.

“Blazes? We don’t need no stinking blazes.” I have no idea. They are everywhere.

Cedars – make for a nice soft trail

Gary (without Ginger) on the Berryman Trail – The caption refers to a picture I took in March 2011, about three-quarters of a mile from where this picture was taken. +1

What the blazes? There are hundreds of these blazes in various forms on this section of the trail. I couldn’t see any rhyme or reason for them. Unfortunately, Google was of no help either. +1

It’s a bit brushy in places. Berryman Trail – Day Three, December 2020.

Fire damage or prescribed burn? Huge swaths of the western loop go through areas cleared by fire. I have vague recollections of a large fire here, but Googling hasn’t shed any light.

Ozark Trail – Trail Blaze. I can attest to the effectiveness of the reflective strips when night hiking. Berryman Trail – Day Three, December 2020.

Little Brazil Creek.

My 2020-2021 Winter Backpacking Gear. Five-minute read

Camped near Little Brazil Creek – Hot water for breakfast is heating up on the Fancee Feest stove, and my Garmin InReach (satellite texting/locator beacon) is hanging up in a tree trying to get a clear bit of sky to obtain a GPS lock and send my morning ‘All Okay’ message to Ginger.

Dawn by Little Brazil Creek – Day three. It was a spectacular sky and darned cold. There had been a frost overnight, and I had set my tarp up low to the ground to keep the cold hollow winds at bay.

Twelve miles left to go – But I’ve arrived at my destination for the day (almost). With an hour to go before sunset I need to buck-up and go find somewhere to stop for the night.

Hollow – Just a typical Ozarks hollow. But, not just a typical picture. I decided to take a stereo pair. If you can manage to get your eyes to merge the two pictures, you can see it in glorious 3D. +1

Going up – When Ginger and I hiked this trail in 2011, we had to walk along the road from Brazil Creek Campground to where the eastern loop hits the road. Not this time. Either we missed the trail I used to get here, or it’s a new addition. One-minute read

Stopped for lunch – This little creek was less than a hundred yards north of the crossing of the blacktop road that runs past the Brazil Creek Campground. I stopped here because I was not looking forward to the delay involved in diverting to the campground to fill up with water and eat lunch.

Photograph showing trail erosion on the Berryman Trail, Missouri (December 2020).

Trail Erosion – Not the worst I’ve seen, the trail erosion at Hercules Glades is much worse, but it shows what years of use can do.

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